SIRKKU KETOLA A Body Called Paula

Sirkku Ketola performance ja näitus: A Body Called Paula
2.09- 16.09.2023 GÜ Galeriis, ARS Kunstilinnakus
Olete oodatud Sirkku Ketola näituse avamisele teisipäeval 5. septembril kell 17:30!
Näituse avamisele eelnevad päevased performance- trükisessioonid, mille käigus sünnib näituse teos. Kõik on lahkelt palutud ka performancile L. 2.09 kell 13-16, E. 4.09, T. 5.09 ja K. 6.09 kell 12:00-15:00.
Sirkku Ketola looming koosneb visuaalsetest poeemidest ja situatsioonidest. Aeg ja kordus on tema põhiküsimused- Universum on ornament, mis kordab iseennast. Sirkku Ketolal on suur rõõm presenteerida oma kestvusprojekti A Body Called Paula Tallinnas.
A Body Called Paula on kordusel ja meditatiivsel performance’il põhinev installatsioon, milles Paula rolli täitev Ketola töötab hapral paberil suure ornamentikaga. Paula on allegooria inimesest kui osast universumist ning kui tehnoloogia ehitajast. Tema käed ja ruum moodustavad serigraafia tehnika abil inimprinteri- sensuaalse masina. Peategelane Paula on lintidest lummatud, tegevuse lõksus ning keha ja mateeria kammitsates. Soome keeles on sõna “paula” lindi ja lõksu sünonüüm. Performanci etendusosad Valgus, Kirg, Teadmised ja Pimedus sümboliseerivad täisväärtusliku elu elemente. Pealtnäha rahulikus esituses on pinge alati sees, sest hapra paberi kinnijäämisel on oht, et mateeria omadused paljastuvad. Etenduse eeterliku helimaastiku on loonud kunstnik ise.
2017. aastal alguse saanud projekt “A Body Called Paula” on kümme aastat kestev protsess. Igal aastal luuakse maailma eri paigus kolm kuni neli ornamendiga kaetud paela. Protsess on füüsiliselt koormav ja rütmi määrab kunstniku käte vastupidavus. Pikk ajaskaala võimaldab kontrolli alistada ning laseb teosel endal leida oma olemusliku vormi ja dialoogi. Kunstniku ülesanne on ainult liikumist säilitada.
Laupäev 2. september kell 13- VALGUS
Esmaspäev 4. september kell 12- KIRG
Teisipäev 5. september kell 12– TEADMINE
Kolmapäev 6. september kell 12 – PIMEDUS
Sirkku Ketola (s.1973) on kaasaegne graafikakunstnik, kes kombineerib serigraafiat erinevate materjalidega. Ta on tsiviliseeritud metslane, kes pidurdab digitaalset pildivoogu käsitöömeetodite abil, püüdes mõista inimrütmi ja mateeria suhet. Ketola on omandanud kaunite kunstide magistrikraadi Soome Kunstiakadeemiast ning ta on osalenud paljudes Soome ja rahvusvahelistes projektides ja näitustel. Ta elab ja töötab Turus ning aeg-ajalt Brüsselis. Kunstniku tööd on toetanud Arts Promotion Center Finland ning projekt A Body Called Paula Arts Promotion Center Finland ja The Finnish Cultural Foundation.
Rohkem infot:,, Instagram: #abodycalledpaula
Sirkku Ketola näitus ja performance on osa Eesti Vabagraafikute Ühenduse sügisesest rahvusvaheliste töötubade ja näituste programmist. Hoia ennast kursis järgmiste sündmustega koduleheküljel
Sündmust toetavad Eesti Kultuurkapital, Arts Promotion Centre Finland ja The Finnish Cultural Foundation.
Kadri Toom
Sirkku Ketola performance and exhibition: A Body Called Paula
GÜ Gallery, ARS Art Factory 2.09- 16.09.2023
You are kindly invited to the opening of the SIrkku Ketola exhibition A Body Called Paula on Tuesday, 5.09 at 17:30!
The opening of the exhibition is preceded by daily performance printing sessions, during which the work of the exhibition is born. Everyone is kindly invited to the performance on Saturday 2.09 at 13-16, Monday 4.09, Tuesday 5.09 and Wednesday 6.09 at 12:00-15:00.
Sirkku Ketola’s work consists of visual poems and situations. Time and repetition are her main questions – the Universe is an ornament repeating itself. Ketola is extremely happy to present her long-term project A Body Called Paula in Tallinn.
A Body Called Paula, is an installation based on repetition and a meditative performance in which Ketola, taking the role of Paula, works on a large ornament on fragile paper. Paula is an allegory of a human as part of the universe and as a builder of technology. With the help of serigraphy, her hands and the space form a human printer, a sensual machine. Paula is enchanted with the ribbons, trapped in the activity and fettered by the body and matter. In Finnish the word paula is a synonym to a ribbon and a trap. The performance parts Light, Passion, Knowledge and Darkness symbolizes the elements of full life. Tension is always present in the seemingly calm performance as the characteristics of the matter are in danger of being revealed when the fragile paper gets stuck. The ethereal soundscape of the performance has been created by Ketola.
A Body Called Paula, begun in 2017, is a ten-year long process. Every year three to four ornament ribbons are created in different parts of the world. The performance is physically demanding and the endurance of the artist’s hands determine the rhythm. The long timeline allows to override the control and lets the work itself find its essential form and dialogue. The task of the artist is only to maintain the movement.
A Body Called Paula performance schedule for the Gü gallery. You can freely browse the work just for a while, or you can stay with it even longer (duration approx. 3 hours / performance)
Saturday, 02.9 at 1 p.m. - LIGHT
Monday, 04.09 at 12- PASSION
Tuesday 05.09 at 12- KNOWLEDGE
Wednesday 06.09 at 12 - DARKNESS / Work completes, the exhibition is ready.
Warmly welcome to see the changes during the performances and the exhibition!
Sirkku Ketola (b.1973) is a contemporary printmaker who combines serigraphy with different materials. She is a civilized savage who slows down the digital image stream through handicraft methods, trying to understand the relationship between human rhythm and matter. Ketola earned her Master of Fine Arts degree from the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts and she has taken part in numerous Finnish and international projects and exhibitions. She lives and works in Turku and occasionally in Brussels. The artist’s work has been supported by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland and A Body Called Paula project by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland and The Finnish Cultural Foundation.
More information:,, Instagram: #abodycalledpaula
Sirkku Ketola's exhibition and performance is part of the autumn program of international workshops and exhibitions of the Association of Estonian Printmakers. Keep yourself informed about the following events on the website
Event supporters: Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Arts Promotion Centre Finland ja The Finnish Cultural Foundation.
Kadri Toom

Marje Üksine "Tagasivaade"
 Eve Kask. Tee südamikuni. Galerii Truus

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